Power Skating for Development Program, News (Listowel Minor Hockey Association)

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Nov 02, 2010 | Mike Smith | 2600 views
Power Skating for Development Program
With the success of our Grass Roots Sponsorship funding in 2010 supported by many local businesses within our Community, we are proud to announce the addition of Power Skating offered to the Development Program...

The LMH Executive began this program in 2009 with a goal to increase our registration at the Mite Level by 10% for the next 5 years attaining a registration number of 40 by 2013. 


In year 1, our registration at the Mite level increased by 30% from 22 to 31 players.  We utilized funds generated in 2009 to afford all Mite players free registration, co-ordinated a colouring contest at the local schools for the JK/SK classes, donated floor ball hockey equipment and a practice planner to the local schools (which was added to the physical education curriculum) and sent a letter home with all JK/SK kids introducing who LMH is and what we have to offer.


Year 2, has begun with even more success. Through the 2010 funding program, we have again had a substantial increase of our Mite registrants by just over 20% from 31 players to 39 players.  We reduced registration costs to Free for all first time registered Mite players and provided personal equipment subsidies for all first time registered Mite players.

We are now very proud to announce that we have also secured enough funding to provide a Developmental Power Skating Clinic at no charge to 80 plus players within the entire Developmental program. 

All of the above could only be accomplished with the help of the Businesses located under the Sponsor tab and the sponsors located on the scrolling "Organizational Sponsor" links shown on the left side of each website page.  Please recognize these sponsors for contributing to our successful organization and to the youth in our community.

These contributions will pay dividends for our Organization and for the kids who play this great game both now and in the future.
