Grass Roots Development receives the Zone Program, News (Listowel Minor Hockey Association)

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Oct 10, 2012 | dparoski | 1360 views
Grass Roots Development receives the Zone Program
Grass Roots Development receives the Zone Program due to the overwhelming support of our corporate sponsors. We continue to exceed our registration goals within the Mite program and therefore have begun to pass those numbers through the system into our Tyke/Novice programs.

We have 55 Mites registered (think about how many were there when your player was in Mite...) for this season and another 82 Tyke/Novice players. The goal of the Sponsorship Program is 3 tiered with registration increases as the initial goal to strengthen our organization at the growth end. The 2nd tier is to grow those players skills to ensure we keep as many of our community youth playing this great game as possible, and the 3rd tier is to enable our Mite/Tyke Coaches to grow their confidence and skills to become the next level of Coaches as these players move through the organization.

With many thanks to our Organizational Sponsors, who are noted at the bottom left of our page, in a rotating banner, we are finally able to support all 3 tiers through the Zone Program.

Without these Sponsors we would not have seen the registration increases of more than 120% over the past 5 years and we would ask each of you to recognize this by relaying how important the Sponsorship is through your patronage of their businesses. We in small towns, all need to support each other, these businesses have taken the initial step. Please recognize thier contributions the next time you are in their business.

We are fully engaged in this year's program and continue to require additional funds to ensure the kids continue to grow in the years ahead. If

you, or your employer are interested in supporting this initiative which continues to exceed the goals, please see the Fundraising Link (bottom

right) and click on Sponsorship Program.

Thank you for continuing to keep our youngest in the Community active through team sports!!
