Way to Go Midget LL, News (Listowel Minor Hockey Association)

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Dec 04, 2012 | Diane Matheson | 2076 views
Way to Go Midget LL
The Listowel Midget Cyclones have captured the 3 rd Annual Dorchester LL hockey tournament. The event ran Thursday Nov 29th through Sun Dec 2nd. The tournament would provide the locals with some stiff competition and in the end a hard fought championship

Game 1 vs Dorchester
The Friday night match up with the host team from Dorchester would prove to be all the Cyclones could handle. Dorchester struck early and often opening up a 3-1 first period lead. However, Listowel would prove equal to the task. The Cyclones led by a three goal effort from Cole Dannemann would erase the 3-1 deficit and eventually storm back for a 4-3 Cyclone win. Also scoring for Listowel was Kyle Andriessen.

Assists were earned by Cody Thompson on the Andriessen goal as well as Nicholas Matheson who picked up three helpers on the Dannemann hat trick.

Game 2 vs Ayr
Saturday morning saw the much anticipated match up with the Flames  from Ayr. Again, a see saw battle would ensue. The Cyclones  generated many scoring chances but were unable to pull out a victory.   Final score would see the two teams tie 4-4. Cyclone scoring was led  by Riley Thompson and Riley Conners each with a goal and two assists.   Matt Koch and Nicholas Matheson rounded out the scoring. Helpers were  earned by Owen Bender (2), Cody Thompson, Zach Konings and Tyler  Bannerman.

Game 3 vs Tavistock
After tight games with both Dorchester and Ayr the Cycs were hoping  for a little less stress. It was not to be. Tavistock would battle  the Cyclones hard all afternoon. Once again, lady luck was on the  Cylone side as they managed to sqeak out a well earned 4-3 victory.   Tyler Heibein , Kyle Andriessen, Riley Thompson and Riley Conners  would provide the Cyclone offence. Drawing assists were Chris Martin,  Zach Konings, Cole Fletcher, Daniel Hunter, Tyler Bannnerman Cole  Dannemann and Matt Koch. The victory would secure the Cyclones a spot  in Sunday?s semi final.

Game 4 vs Port Dover (Semi Final)
Sunday?s semi final against the Pirates from Port Dover would see the  locals play some of their best hockey of the weekend. A solid effort  from all players along with strong goaltending from Tyler Robinson  allowed the Cyclones to cruise to a solid 5-1 win . Matt Koch would  have the hot hand for the Cyclones picking up a pair of goals. Riley  Thompson, Nic Matheson and Cole Fletcher also struck for the Cyclones.  Chipping in with assists were : Mathew Daviau (2), Daniel Hunter,  Owen Bender and Chris Martin.

Game 5 vs Ilderton (Finals)
The Cycs strong semi final play would carry right thru to Sunday  afternoons final. Again, Tyler Robinson stood tall in the nets. The  Cyclone offence which was now rolling, would prove too much for the  Jets. Three unanswered 3rd period goals would see the Cyclones skate  to a much deserved 5-2 victory. Nic Matheson, Owen Bender, Daniel  Hunter, Riley Conners and Cole Fletcher (with an end to end beauty)  were the Cyclones marksmen. Riley Thompson, Cole Danneman , Matt Koch  and Tyler Bannerman picked up the assists. The Midget team should be  proud of the discipline, determination and team work that was evident  throughout the tournament. Congratulations boys to a well deserved  championship.
