Fundraising, News (Listowel Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 09, 2013 | kgooding | 1727 views
Welcome parents to a fun full year of hockey.

My name is Kim Gooding and I have been the Fundraising Chair for a few years. My boys are midget and bantam level.

$120.00 of registration was allocated to fundraising and is fully recoupable.

Under the "Library Tab" you can download the fundraising letter and order forms for Heidelberg Pepperettes and Epicure's Triple Dip Fundraising Kits.

For every item fundraise you can earn up to $60.00.  Extra items sold you are earning funds for LMH and is greatly appreciated.

The other $60.00 of fundraising fee we allocate three Super Cash Calendars to each registered player. If you sell your calendars you keep the value of the calendar.  Make sure you add your own name to enter the draws if you choose not to sell all or none of them. Do not add your children's names you have to be over 18 to win.  Please return ticket stubs to your team manager by Oct 20th

I will disperse the calendars after the teams are assigned.

LMH will have extra calendars, if you can help me by selling calendars to family, friends and co-workers please send me an email.  This is clear profit for our organization to offset operating costs.

If you have any questions regarding fundraising or cannot download the order forms please don't hesitiate to contact me. [email protected] or 519-291-4169

Happy Fundraising
