Call out for the 6th Man!!, News (Listowel Minor Hockey Association)

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Feb 10, 2014 | dparoski | 1227 views
Call out for the 6th Man!!
Congratulations to the 4 Teams within LMH who have moved on through the OMHA Playdowns. All are expected to start their series this upcoming weekend.

The Atom AE’s have moved through 2 rounds and hitting their 3rd in stride facing off against Midland. The Atom Reps and Peewee Reps will be defending the Organization against the same opponent in Penetang. Finally, the Bantam Reps continue to build off their Silver Stick showing and play in an arena which they have had success in tourney play during recent years, Elmvale.

Please keep an eye on the website for home game times and bring your son or daughter out to feel the emotion of Playoff Hockey in Listowel. Become the 6th Man and generate energy showing how proud we are of these neighbours and friends within our Community.

They need you!!!!

Mike Smith


Listowel Minor Hockey
