Fundraising Due Next Weekend (Oct 23) / $1200.00 Potential Revenue for Minor Hockey, News (Listowel Minor Hockey Association)

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Oct 17, 2016 | kgooding | 3018 views
Fundraising Due Next Weekend (Oct 23) / $1200.00 Potential Revenue for Minor Hockey
For families that have sold pepperettes and epicure spices please hand in your order forms and money to your team manager next weekend. This is also a good opportunity to hand in your calendar ticket stubs so you are ready for the December draws.
We also have 60 cash calendars left over from registration. Thank you to 4 families that have offered to sell a couple extra calendars.  We have 20 minor hockey teams this year and if one family from each team offered to sell a couple calendars to family, friends, co-workers they would be all sold and an extra $1200.00 clear profit for the organization to offset operating costs.
Please send me an email if you are interested in a couple calendars, [email protected]

Thank you,
Kim Gooding - Fundraising Chair
