Mar 05, 2017 | dparoski | 1830 views
Letter from Lakeside Academy
LMHA Novice team received great feedback earlier this season after a tournament in Peterborough. Thanks to all the players, parents and all the volunteers that stepped up to shine the positive light on our great organization.
Hello Corey,
My name is Bill Sandiford and I am a representative of Lakeside Academy, a private school based in Oshawa.
This weekend a bunch of our students participated in the the Under the Lock tournament up in Peterborough along with your Listowel Novice LL teams. Unfortunately there was a mis-communcation between ourselves and the tournament organizers and our team ended up in a tournament that we shouldn’t have (our players were MUCH stronger).
We did however have the opportunity to play against your Novice LL White and Novice LL Red teams. I must say that despite the lopsided scores these players, coaches, and parents were exemplary in representing your organization. They went out of their way to work with is to try and make the game as fun as possible for all of the players despite the situation. Despite our best efforts, the scores were so bad that your parents and coaches had every right to be extremely upset but they weren’t. The were extremely classy.
Additionally, as it turns your teams were staying at the same hotel as us and we got to spend some time with the kids and parents in the pool/hot tub and other parts of the hotel. Once again, your teams were an extreme pleasure to be around.
I just thought I would take the time to pass these comments along. I know that far to often in hockey (and in life) people are quick to complain, but not quick to compliment. This group of players, parents, and coaches represented Listowel Minor Hockey extremely well and should be commended. I’m sure you are very proud of them.
Please feel free to pass along my comments to the coaches. They deserve to know how awesome they are!