Juvenile Cyclones OMHA Champions, News (Listowel Minor Hockey Association)

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Mar 27, 2017 | cltest2 | 3469 views
Juvenile Cyclones OMHA Champions
LMHA Would like to congratulate the Juvenile Cyclones on winning the OMHA B/BB Championship.

It was a thrilling final series vs the Ayr Flames. Our Cyclones won the first two games and headed to Ayr for games 3 and 4. It's always that last game that's the toughest to win and as such Ayr tied up the series bringing game 5 back to Listowel. Being back on home ice, with a large contingent of local fans cheering them on they were able to outplay Ayr and win the championship game 4-1. The game included some rough scrums, brilliant plays and of course more than half a dozen unbelievable saves by Cyclones goalie Dalton Carey (He certainly rose to the occasion).

Congratulations to the players, coaches and parents of the Juvenile Cyclones Championship team.
