2500 Puck Challenge Winner, News (Listowel Minor Hockey Association)

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Dec 29, 2017 | cltest2 | 1224 views
2500 Puck Challenge Winner
It takes a ton of effort and commitment to complete this challenge.

You may not see the results immediately but if you continue to do this each season you will definitely see the results in your Peewee years as you begin to "pull away" from the other kids in this Division.  Remarkably, an Executive Member was standing beside a group of Parents at a recent Bantam Silver Stick event and overheard this statement "isn't it amazing how these kids still can't shoot the puck at this age."  It is incredible as you would think it's about being stronger but it's as much to do with form and repetition as it is strength. 
Many thanks to the Friday Night Skills Clinic and to all who continue to participate in this year after year--your future Coach's will thank you for it!!! 
Congrats to Sheldon Weale of the Peewee AE's for winning this year's challenge.