May I first start with hoping everyone is staying safe and
heeding all the precautions that will help flatten the curve of COVID-19.
We are undoubtedly facing unprecedented times
and our main focus is on the health and safety of ALL of our Listowel Minor
Hockey members and their families.
As I am sure everyone is aware, we will not be hosting our annual banquet, however we still want to recognize all the hard work and efforts that made last season a success. I encourage our coaches to put together a brief summary of the past season and post it on your individual team page. If you need assistance with getting it posted, let me know and I can help out. We also want to recognize the individual awards that are usually distributed during the banquet, so we will be posting a list on our website within the next week. As for the plaques and trophies, we will make sure the recipients receive their awards once the time of social distancing has passed.
In the meantime we will continue to prepare and plan for the 2020-21 season. At this point we are taking things one day at a time, but we do plan on being prepared when the OMHA/WOAA gives us the green light. This means we will be looking for coaches for next season, we were already working on providing an online registration platform and we will move forward in securing resources for our skills development programs.
In summation we would like to thank the members of our organization for all their hard work, dedication and time spent making Listowel Minor Hockey the community that we are. We want everyone to stay safe so we can come back together stronger than ever.
Best Regards,
Sherri Coombs
Listowel Minor Hockey President