2020-21 Registration, News (Listowel Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 15, 2020 | cltest2 | 2339 views
2020-21 Registration
Deadline to register is September 21, 2020 with first payment of $350 due by September 30, 2020.   Payment can be made by e-transfer to [email protected] .  Security question should be “Name of organization?”  Answer should be “Cyclones”.   Please remember to note the name of the player(s) so that the payment can be traced back to the correct player(s).

Total cost of registration will be determined once registration is complete and the amount of ice required and expenses associated with running our program can be calculated.  We do not anticipate the amount being more than last year but at this time cannot guarantee this to be the case.  The first payment of $350 includes the fundraising fee.  Complete registration includes completion of online registration, payment and necessary documentation (for new players).

At this time, family game passes will not be available and have not been included in the first payment.

For new players to LHMA, a copy of the player’s birth certificate or health card as well as proof of address is required.  Please email to [email protected] .

U5 (2016 & 2017), U6 (2015) and U7 (2014) will have a delayed start, as we require parental help/supervision.  Our intention is to ensure our safety protocols are sufficient, then we will build from these practices to allow for the additional engagement of parents/guardians for our younger players.  A separate registration for those groups will take place, please watch our website for notification

Please note, there will not be a Juvenile team (2000, 2001 & 2002) this year.


2020-21 Registration Form
Reference - LMHA Home->Library->Registration Forms

Any questions, please contact [email protected] .
