LMHA Return to Orange (Protect) Effective Immediately, News (Listowel Minor Hockey Association)

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Dec 12, 2020 | Claude Leroux | 902 views
LMHA Return to Orange (Protect) Effective Immediately
Good evening LMHA families. Based on the current Orange Status remaining in North Perth, LMHA Directors have met and decided to move back into Orange protocol effective immediately. This means we are going to resume games with our bubble centers Wednesday December 16th. Keep an eye on the website and Sportsheadz for updated scheduling.


Cash Calendars are on the way. There was a drastic change to how we get a lottery license which has been the delay. We will be pulling winners in a manner to catch up considering we were supposed to start Dec 1st. But they should be in hand shortly and distributed.

Meat orders arrive arrive next week.

What are Orange Protocols for LMHA

·        Home and away teams and parents enter thru same entrance 15 minutes before – if Northeast door, home team in room 3 and visitors in room 1 (girls share room 2) northwest would be home in room 6 and visitors in room 4 (girls share room 5)

·        Doors lock 10 minutes after start of ice time (discuss use of gatekeeper/contact person if do not arrive before doors are locked)

·        Both teams stay in room until ice is ready and enter ice surface through same gates (While maintaining social distancing measures)

·        Parents head up directly to assigned seating area

·        Ref’s and timekeepers are booked and paid for by minor hockey



Health Tracking

We have implemented an application called sportsheadz which above all else enables a fully electronic Health Check application. Having this application immediately helps LMHA easily track, report and audit all teams/parents in a simplistic modern manner.


Here are a few questions answered.

Q. Can my spouse and I use the same email account?

A. No. Each parent/guardian much create an account so we can uniquely identify you.


Q. If I check in for myself can I bring someone with me like one of our other children?

A. No. You can only perform health checks for Yourself and your player.


Q. How much in advance of a game or practice can I perform the health check?

A. Up to 8 hours.


Q. Can I check in on a laptop or tablet if I don't have a smartphone or don't have it around me?

A. Yes. Simply go to https://health.sportsheadz.com/


Arena Attendance

Only one parent/guardian can attend a game or practice home or away. There are no exceptions to this policy. Failure to follow will be met with the privilege of attending revoked for that individual or family. I don't want to have that conversation with anyone but I will and it will immediately result in action.


Q. Can we take one of our players siblings with us?

A. No, under no circumstances.


Q. Can I take a grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, friends best friends buddy?

A. No, under no circumstances.


Q. What if I can't take my child to a game but another guardian (Grand Parent, Aunt, Uncle) can?

A. That individual MUST have the sportsheadz application, must have them connected to that player and must perform a health check in advance of attendance. Only 1 person can attend with a player. You must ask the team manager to connect that person to the player.


Q. Can I bring a drink or feed into the arena with me.

A. No. I love coffee as much as the rest of you but no food or drink can be brought into the arena. Your player is the only one who can bring a water bottle for the game.


Other Items

We are preparing to deliver a LMHA Wide Webinar where Brendan Magee will present our current financial model. Stay tuned for an invite.


We are looking for Volunteers outside the LMHA Executive to help operate a Tournament Committee to prepare for the Gord Hymer Tournament and Another Tournament TBD in 2021. Hosting tournaments are a great source for driving overall registration costs down, but we need LMHA families and community members to organize such event.


Other Fundraising ideas. We would love to hear any other fundraising ideas from our families or sponsorship opportunities.


We will also be aligning some executive members to particular age groups in order to work as an intermediary between Teams/Parents and the executive in order to ensure we are responding in a timely manner.


I would like to thank you all for your feedback and patience this season, we are committed to delivering a safe remainder of our season. I hope you all have some great family time over the upcoming holidays. Looking forward to seeing you all at the arena shortly.


LMHA Directors


Claude Leroux


Listowel Minor Hockey
