Oct 15, 2021 | cltest2 | 1028 views
Tree Planting Initiative (Bond Credit) Date Change
The tree planting initiative has been rescheduled to next weekend on Oct 23rd as this weekend they are expecting bad weather.
The Parks Board of North Perth and the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority are planning an event Saturday October 23rd to put 300 trees and shrubs in the ground around the soccer field next to the arena.
LMHA would like to promote this excellent initiative, The organizers are looking for volunteers, Minor Hockey players, coaches and parents who would be interested in assisting from 9 a.m. to noon that day. Adults are asked to bring a shovel and they will supply the rest. It would create a nice legacy to see the plants grow alongside our organization’s players over the years.
LMHA will offer 1 Bond credit in support of this initiative. In order to qualify and sign up please fill in the Bond Form and indicate the tree planting initiative. You will need to confirm attendance from the organizers in order to gain the bond credit.
Bond Volunteer Interest Form
I would like to thank Richard Keeso for reaching out to LMHA.