Message From the President and LMHA Executives, News (Listowel Minor Hockey Association)

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Oct 29, 2021 | Claude Leroux | 1613 views
Message From the President and LMHA Executives
My name is Claude Leroux and I am the president of Listowel Minor Hockey. Throughout my tenure our primary goal has been to provide the best hockey experience to our members while maintaining a reasonable cost model. Over the years LMHA has attempted to balance the increasing ice and other costs by only increasing registration every few years, which was not inline with our actual costs. This has directly caused the organization to run deficits year over year. Our goal is to operate without a deficit.

As we look forward to the next five years, we see many challenges to maintaining reasonable registration costs, increasing player registrations, and breaking even financially. Thankfully we have a passionate, dedicated, and skilled board who are working tirelessly to explore every opportunity to meet our mandate.


To generate significant funds that can offset costs we require significant volunteer support. This season we implemented the $500 Bond program. This program is designed in a manner which would entice LMH members to volunteer 3 hours of their time per family. Having released this program it is up to LMH to provide programs that will allow families to volunteer and meet their commitment. The last thing we want to do is cash the bond checks, the goal is to drive volunteering which in turn keeps registration costs reasonable.


We are in the process of providing two very important programs this season which will require significant volunteer hours. The first is operating two or more tournaments. These events will generate significant funds and offer plenty of volunteer hours. Secondly is operating the food booth at Steve Kerr Arena in Listowel again generating significant funds and volunteer hours.


These initiatives are not the end of our planning. We offered Pre-Skates to get everyone out before tryouts and enjoy some planned time on the ice, there is a power skating school operated by Jason Brooks, Friday night skills returning, goalie clinics, cash calendars and apparel program. We are also pleased to announce two adult only events later this season so keep an eye out for those event alerts.


As you can see, we are trying to offer the best possible hockey experience, but costs could continue to rise if we can’t deliver on our fund-raising commitments. A small sub committee presented to North Perth council and the Recreation Advisory Committee (RAC) to reduce ice costs, which was declined. LMHA will continue to communicate and develop a closer relationship with North Perth to find other savings opportunities. We are focused on delivering all programs mentioned above. We are thankful for the incredible sponsors and local businesses who are always there to support LMHA.


 We apologize for the late last payment announcement, but it was intentionally delayed as we presented to town council and prepared the new fundraising initiatives. Please review the final payment details below.


This table outlines the final payment amounts for the season. Final payment is due Dec 31st 2021

Registration Fee


Fundraising (Cash Calendars)


First Payment

Final Payment
































Those who requested a credit from last season (U7 - $50, U8-U18 $100) simply deduct that amount from the final payment amount and e-transfer to [email protected] the password is cyclones.


We hope you all can see the amount of effort and thought that is going into this season, but we can’t do it without you all. The food booth is about to open, and tournaments are being scheduled so please sign up below if you haven’t already. For those who have already signed up, thanks and a huge thank you to all LMH Directors, Coaches, Trainers, Managers, Referees, Timekeepers, Volunteers, Players and Parents. We look forward to seeing you all at the rink.


Bond Form Sign up -


Go Cyclones


Claude Leroux


Listowel Minor Hockey Association
