Food Booth Opening!!!, News (Listowel Minor Hockey Association)

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Oct 30, 2021 | Claude Leroux | 829 views
Food Booth Opening!!!
We are so excited to announce we will begin opening the food booth starting Friday Nov 5th for the Junior B game. Come support the Junior B's, LMHA and enjoy some wonderful food and refreshments.

We will begin by opening the booth for Junior B Cyclones Home games Starting Nov 5th. We will start using Volunteers Nov 14th. Depending on Volunteer interest we can then begin opening the booth for LMHA Games and potentially other events. 

The amount of planning and work that has gone into this initiative is truly inspiring. We want to thank everyone who has volunteered, the booth committee and of course the municipality of North Perth. 

If you are interested in volunteering for the booth please sign up below, it can be any family member. Should they be high school students we will also offer community hours.

2021/22 Bond Volunteer Interest Form

Go Cyclones!!!