WOAA Restructuring, News (Listowel Minor Hockey Association)

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Jul 19, 2023 | Hollie Card | 899 views
WOAA Restructuring
WOAA is evaluating the current structure of its minor hockey program.  They are currently considering a few options that may result in significant changes to structure on organization of hockey within the WOAA.

Please see the attached letter that WOAA shared with it’s member centres after a meeting held earlier this year to discuss options.  It explains the options that are being considered.  They are asking for feed back on these potential options.


At this point in time WOAA wants us to be very clear that no decisions have been made and one of the options is that nothing changes and we continue playing hockey in our current structure.  

LMHA only knows just as much as this letter, and hopefully we will get more information by the end of the year.   If there is any restructuring, rest assured it will not happen for at least a couple of years

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