Power Skating, News (Listowel Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 04, 2023 | Hollie Card | 957 views
Power Skating
There will be two separate 10-week sessions of power skating on Tuesday and Thursday mornings again this year with Jason Brooks.  First sessions will run from mid-October through late December.  Second sessions will pick back up in early January and run through to mid-March.  Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to learn to skate with one of the best!  Please sign up as soon as possible as spots may be limited.  Cost for the program will be $300 for first ten sessions or $550 for all 20.  Second 10 sessions will implement skills and puck control alongside the power skating.

How To Register:

To register you will need to add the power skating to your registration.  To get this completed you will have to go back on to the registration site to add this program. This is done by logging into the Spordle account here https://account.spordle.com/login

Then click on the dashboard and the click view page under Listowel and then register now twice and register existing participant and then skip registration selection and add the correct power skating session or sessions for the child’s age group.

The etransfer can be sent to [email protected] with the security answer as cyclones.

There was an email sent to all LMHA families with all the times and dates if you need that again please email LMHA
