Update, News, Jets(M), IP, 2011-2012 (Listowel Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2011-2012 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 22, 2012 | mcoombs | 885 views
I hope that everyone had a fun experience at the Fun Days tournament this past weekend....

It is hard to believe that the hockey season is almost over – we only have two months left!

 I have attached the schedule for the Mites for the end of January and month of February.  Please note that starting on February 4th, every Saturday in February will be power skating.   We have a power skating instructor coming in to teach the kids.  The teams have been divided into two groups for the power skating by age.  2007  and 2008 birth year kids will be Mite Red and will be on the ice at 9:00 on Saturdays and 2006 birth year kids will be on Mite White and will be on the ice at 10:00am on Saturdays – these times will be the same every week.  The web site has been updated with this information.

 Tuesdays will remain the same as it has been the past month with the three teams, Habs, Jets, Penguins, having a game/game/practice schedule.

 Saturday March 3 is the tournament in Harriston – will provide times when we get them – there will be three games on the Saturday for each team.

There will be no hockey the following two Saturdays due to Paddyfest and the Gord Hymers tournament in Listowel.  Saturday March 25 will be our last time on the ice for the season and we will have a pizza Party, for the players following our ice time that day.

 If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to talk to me at any time or any of your Coaches.

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