Jan 03, 2016 | Todd | 869 views
Listowel Mite Teams
Hello Everyone. I hope you all had excellent holidays. We will be starting into some games now that the new year has started and our Wallace Fun Days Tournament is coming quickly. We have divided our teams up as evenly as possible and will be using these same teams for our inter squad games as well as tournaments for those who have signed up. Please see your team home page for scheduling for both tournament games and our inter squad games. You will have to follow your regular Red, White and Learn to Skate schedule as well as your new team schedule. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me as always.
Habs |
Leafs |
Sens |
Knox Harrison |
Zack Brooks |
Parker Adams |
Gavin Nichol |
Hudson Dietrich |
Tyse Hayter |
Brynn Berfeltz |
Marcus Burn |
Patrick Magee |
Berkeley Harrison |
Simon Kaye |
Rory Magee |
Knox Harrison |
Fiona Johnson |
Clarissa Strickert |
Ellisyn Heibein |
Braya Frey |
Max Weber |
Brett Robillard |
Tyler Terpstra |
Blake McTavish |
Hudson Podhorny |
Jade Campbell |
Liam Ough |
Logan Card |
Brandon Leake |
Cole Parsons |
Lucas McLeod |
Hunter Donegan |
Nicholas Weatherbee |
Jacob Roeder |
Rian Fear |
Thomas Weatherbee |
Justin Haid |
Rowan McGill |
Dane Nichel |
Linc Lannin |
Grayson Matheson |
Colton Orth |
Luke Cleland |
Payton Pentz |
Lucas Kuepfer |
Trainer |
Lloyd Kuepfer |
Sean Matheson |
Jeremy Weber |
Coach |
Curtis Berfelz |
Mike Brooks |
Brandon Magee |
Matt Harrison |
Todd Dietrich |
Tim Strickert |
Curtis Nichol |
Mike Campbell |
Sean Parsons |
Dylan Burns |
Manager |
Gary Robillard |
Chad Kaye |
Scott McTavish |